Meeting key activities:
1st meeting in Spain (March
- After having done activities 02/A1/A2/A3) students
travelling to this meeting will write a Decalogue of good eating habits which will be published in the 'School in Movement' health booklet.
-Planning the recording of the Video of the international
sport league among schools.
-Running the Spanish Top Sport League', the aditional sports
and games and chess league.
-Planning the Turkish Top Sport League and the Turkish
traditional sports and games: research and interviews (video)
-Planning the creation of the online comic of traditional
European sports and games.
-Planning the 1st year 'School in Movement' Race and Sports
and Health Day
- Sharing the material created.
- Teachers meeting to analyse the Spanish health and sport
programme included in the improvement school planning.
- Evaluation session: preparation of 1st 'School in Movement' impact booklet and
budget control.
2nd meeting in Turkey
(October 2015):
- Following up the recording of the Video of the
international sport league among schools.
- Planning the creation and online publishing of 'School in
Movement' health booklet with all the decalogues created in the project
- Running the Turkish Top Sport League, traditional games
and chess league.
- Planning the Italian Top Sport League and the traditional
sports and games research.
- Following up the creation of the online comic of
traditional European sports and games.
- Sharing all the material created.
- Planning of the 2nd year 'School in Movement' Race and
Sports and Health Day
- Preparing the research on Town Hall sport planning
(interviews and debates), meeting with the mayor of the city council or other
representative and making a proposal for improvement.
- Teachers meeting to analyse the Turkish health and sport
- Evaluation session: preparation of 2nd 'School in Movement' impact booklet and
budgte control.
3rd meeting In Italy (May 2016):
- Planning the construction of online and printed guidebook
about teenager's and healthy life.
-Following up the recording of the Video of the international
sport league among schools.
- Running the Italian Top Sport League, traditional games
and the ' Chess league.
-Planning the Latvian Top Sport League and the atvian
traditional sports and games research.
-Following up the creation of the online comic of
traditional European sports and games.
-Sharing all the material created.
Planning of the 3rd year 'School in Movement' Race and Sports and Health Day.
- Planning the creation of PE teaching units of postural
health and ergonomics in sports
- Students will share the results of their researches on
Town Hall sport planning and will discuss how their village sport plan could be
- Teachers meeting to analyse the Italian health and sport
- Evaluation session: preparation of 3rd 'School in
Movement' impact booklet and budget control.
4th meeting In Latvia (May 2017):
- Students will write a Decalogue of good sporting habits
and posters which will be published in the
'School in Movement' health booklet.
- Following up the recording of the Video of the
international sport league among schools.
- Running the Latvian Top Sport League, traditional games
and the Chess league.
- Sharing all the material created among meetings.
- Teachers meeting to analyse the Latvianhealth and sport programme.
- Evaluation session: preparation of 3rd 'School in
Movement' impact booklet, the three year partnership and budget control.
- Planning future actions after the end of the project
(chess tournaments, 'School in Movement' Race, 'Health day, school nets).
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